BLS CoGallery.
Ito blinked for a while👀 and laughed aloud “hihi” in a funny voice😆
the moment she saw a collection of her embroidery works on her digital device.
Creators in BLS over70 Gallery
What is BLS over70 Co-Gallery?
BLS over70 Co-Gallery is the project of a digital online gallery for the elderly, which tries to listen to stories behind handcrafted works, and unfold them.
If you are around over 70, we hope you to join us.
Handcrafted works sometimes help the elderly to live a fulfilled life.
Those often tell us a sense of home.
If you have your handcrafted works in your home, why not open up your works to the world?
You might know other people like you.
Or maybe, interaction might give you encouragement to create another work or hope to live more fulfilled moment.
We have heard that each one has own handcraft style.
Your own style can be found through a process of discovering stories behind works and integrating them.
When you find it, it is forever yours, and might lead you more fun and fulfilled moments.
We are hoping you to live a fulfilled life, and waiting for you to join BLS over70 Co-Gallery!
Let’s enjoy this moment!
How to apply for BLS over70 Co-Gallery
We have two ways to apply for BLS over70 Co-Gallery.
If you hope to share your works easily, post your photos on your account of Instagram, Twitter or facebook with #BLSO70.
(You can find our social media account of BLS over70 Co-Gallery in the yellow part of this page below:
【Get in Touch with us】 >【BLS over70 Co-Gallery】)
This is the easiest way and cost nothing.
We can visit to see your works.
However, we imagine many elderly people might not familiar with the Internet or social medias.
In that case, family support might be needed to apply for BLS over70 Co-Gallery.
We are open to discuss about how to support the elderly.
Please feel free to let us know the easiest way for you to apply for BLS over70 Co-Gallery.
If you hope to have your own showcase, you can apply for BLS over70 Co-Gallery.
Having your own showcase will cost you.
We are considering to charge for creating your own showcase in the future.
However, for now, we help to create your own showcase for one person with twenty or less works with no cost in BLS over 70 Co-Gallery.
In any cases, please read the details first.
We are waiting for joining us.
Why has BLS over70 Co-Gallery started?
Hachi is the director of Beelationship and a grandchild as well.
She loved Ito, who used to love embroidery for 30 years but put away threads and needles after an illness.
Ito luckily recovered from illness after several years, but she still lost her interest for embroidery.
Hachi and Peiji hoped that Ito remembered who she was, yet they did not know what to do or where to start.
Then, the embroidered works, which were sleeping in Ito’s storeroom caught Hachi’s attention.
Hachi became to feel that it might brought something important to Ito if Hachi followed Ito’s past embroidered works with Ito
Therefore, Hachi decided to collect Ito’s embroidered work.
What happened during and after the process?
Ito’s mental health was brought back to her life, and she started to create another embroidered work again.
A change happened to Hachi as well.
She learned the importance of following someone’s past works, which was one of the greatest ways to flourish someone’s nature naturally.
Also, through the process of making the video of Ito’s embroidery story, Hachi happened to find that an 80-years-old or a 100-year-old embroiderer held his/her embroidery exhibition…!
Isn’t that amaizing?
She realized that the elderly might, who had less opportunities to open up their works to the world, be there.
Therefore, she hoped to shed light on more handcrafted works by the elderly, and stories behind them.
If you are shy to open up your works, we would like to tell this:
We believe that every handcrafted works do have stories, which should be cherished.
Past works often contain a key to find who you are.
Finding who you are helps you to find the joy of life.
(Ito, who is very shy, was really encouraged when someone looked at her works and gave her comments(=encouragement) enough to create another embroidery work and to live better.
Now(in 2021) she is passionately stitching everyday even if she has a slight pain in her body.)
If you are interested in this project, please let us know or give us any feedback at any levels.
We keep improving the system.
We also focus on what is happening here 😊☀️
Handcrafted work has no space-time wall.
Let’s enjoy it and this moment together!
Creators in BLS over70 Gallery